Saturday 8 June 2024

Tophill Low


RSPB York Local Group outing by car to Tophill Low Nature Reserve.

It was cloudy to start with but as time progressed the sun started to shine. We started by visiting the northern part of the reserve . From the hide overlooking the reservoir we were able to see black-headed gulls, mute swans, tufted ducks and great crested grebes. Flying over the far end of the reservoir were lots of swallows, sand martins, house martins and swifts.

From the North Marsh hide we watched reedwarblers

Kate thought that she could see a treecreeper and when I looked in that direction I saw a tawny owl.

From the Hempholme hide we added little egret to our list.

 We returned to our cars and had lunch before setting of to explore the southern half of the reserve.

From the first hide we visited we were able to hear and then see marsh frogs.

We had a brief look over O reservoir, but could see no birds. From the hide we were able to add common tern, oystercatcher, ringed and little ringed plover to our list. From the next hide we saw a marsh harrier, then a red kite and high up a buzzard, before a kestrel flew low over the lagoon.

The last hide we visited had cormorant, lots of greylag geese goslings and on the path back we saw a willow warbler and a chiffchaff.

On our way back to the car park we saw a dragonfly

and a banded demoiselle.

A very pleasant day with 49 birds on my list.


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