Wednesday 19 June 2024

Bank Island

 I got caught up in a road diversion this afternoon due to a crash on the A19. I, like others had to turn round and find another way. So I decided to go to Bank Island as it was my nearest option. Not an easy journey as HGV lorries were diverted through Wheldrake village and they occupied most of the road!

This is the view I had from the platform near the car park. Still some water about.
Below is the view from the hide

Several little egrets, mallards, a single tufted duck and two mute swans.

More water still from the next hide, despite the vegetation!
The common terns are still there with their young.

At least 1 adult was in the air keeping an eye on a family of carrion crows.

I am assuming that the little egrets quarrel with each other as they believe that they are stealing their fish, There was a constant movement as they chased each other away.

Mr. Shoveler is now going into eclipse mode.

Oystercatcher, redshank, little grebe and mallard were also on the scrape, while this moorhen roamed around the edge.

Linnets were also feeding on the tall vegetation

while a goldfinch sang from the top of a bush.
Whitethroats were busy feeding young

I spotted this dragonfly on my way back to my car.

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