Sunday 23 June 2024

North Cave Wetlands


I arrived at 0715 in order to avoid the hottest part of the day. From the covered seating area I saw this grey heron

From the East Hide, I saw this mute swan family. Only the second one I have seen this year.

A sedge warbler was singing from the North Hedge

A lesser black backed gull was watching the young ducklings on Reedbed Lake

A chiifchaff was singing from a tree top along the western footpath

From Crosslands hide I could see several little egrets and a little ringed plover,
Avocets were on the Silt Pond and from the balcony outside the hide I could see lots of mute swans and greylag geese.

Nothing to report from further down the lane. Lots of flowers etc along the sides of the paths.

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