Friday 14 June 2024

Little birds at Blacktoft.


This is the view from the hide overlooking Marshland lagoon. The team have worked hard to lower the water levels so that there are islands and mud for waders. Let's hope they arrive soon.

As you can see from the picture the weather was not brilliant, with some very heavy showers of rain, which reflected the number of visitors I welcomed.

Blacktoft never fails to deliver, and at least 6 people today saw new birds and had amazing views of them.

Sedge warblers were singing from the tops of the reeds

and from the visitor centre it was very much a day for the little birds.
Chiffchaffs were near the main path

and this young bird was just outside reception window.

The tree sparrows appear to be doing very well. I counted 30 near the bird feeders and there were more in the bushes that I could hear but not see. This sparrow has a nest box on the side of the visitor centre and was collecting food near the ditch.

A deer was eating the seed that the birds were spilling.

Grey herons were on most lagoons today

The marsh harriers were very active, some food passes, but also some females were now out hunting, which suggests to me that the young are well grown. This male caught some prey

An elderberry bush in front of 1st hide was the favourite perch for this male, just out of reach of my lens.

After each shower of rain more little birds would come out from shelter and hunt for food.

Lets hope for better weather over the weekend.


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