Tuesday 27 April 2021


 Day two of my little trip. Yesterday I was wearing a short sleeved shirt and enjoying the sun, today it is back to woolly hat etc to keep out the wind and rain.

I was at South Stack by 0830.

Lots of guillemots and razorbills on the cliffs and on the sea.

The wild flowers look nice

A chough was feeding on the grass.

Cemlyn was my next stop

I found walking along the pebbles on the beach hardwork.

It was cold here, I was glad I had brought my warm hat!

Lots of activity on the islands. A med gull was having a tussle with a black headed gull.

Sandwich terns were everywhere.

a red breasted merganser swam past

there were two common terns on the reserve

The very helpful warden suggested that I visit RSPB Cors Ddyga.

There is an electric fence to protect the nesting lapwings from foxes.

lots of lapwings chicks about, so the system must be working.

golden plovers were looking smart in their summer plumage, a shame that they were so far away.

a little grebe was fishing

There are several paths that you can select to walk along, the route I chose was about 4 miles long.

At one point the path is next to a river, and a grey heron was on the bank.

I turned left at this point. A sedge warbler was singing from a reed bed and these goldfinches were on a wire.

a marsh harrier was hunting over the wetter areas. On my way back to my car I came across a male stonechat

lots of willow warblers and chiffchaffs about.

a single meadow pipit.

Just before I reached my car I saw a grey wagtail in a ditch by the side of the road.

I was pleased with my visit and grateful to the warden for suggesting it. A total of 31 species including a year tick, taking my years total to 128.

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