Monday 30 September 2024

Last shift of Summer


This was my view from Ousefleet hide at 0730 on Saturday 28th September. RSPB Blacktoft Sands has now reverted to winter opening times. The reserve is open every day but the visitor centre is now only open on a weekend, and Saturday was my last shift of the summer season.

Strange morning. I had just taken this picture when Stu sent a message asking if the road to the reserve was open?  It seems that after I drove past the church at Whitgift, a road closed sign appeared.

Stu managed to drive to the reserve but other visitors had to drive via Crowle, a long way round. We were not expecting to be busy due to the appearance of a rare bird at Bempton, but the road closure added another dimension.

However the road closure did not last long and lots of visitors arrived to take advantage of the sunshine.

Those that ventured down to Ousefleet were rewarded with close views of about 20 bearded tits.

The lagoons are quite full due the last weeks high tides, so birds are close together.

These sleeping teal and a snipe were on one of the islands at Marshland.

There were several hundred teal on the reserve along with mallard, wigeon and gadwall.

Male shovelers are starting to come out of eclipse.

A few spotted redshanks were on Reedling lagoon along with lapwing, snipe and redshanks.

A grey heron was soaking up the morning sun at 1st lagoon

Not many small birds about, A single swallow flew over the VC  and 9 whooper swans flew NE, very high up.

I ended my shift in Singleton hide. A few marsh harriers came into roost and some mallard landed just before 7pm when it was time for me to lock up.

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