Saturday 7 September 2024

Wildlife despite the "mizzle"

 Not a very pleasant day weather-wise, not that the wildlife took any notice. The team have been working hard to cut all the vegetation on the islands in the lagoons, now we need to hope that the high tides later this month do the trick and help to fill the lagoons.

Singleton and Marshland lagoons had most of the birds. Waders like green sandpiper, greenshank, snipe, redshank, ruff and black-tailed godwit were busy feeding on the lagoons. A male marsh harrier was busy hunting so the birds often flew from one lagoon to another.

From the visitor centre I saw this grey heron at one corner of Reedling lagoon.

I managed a quick photo of this water rail as it made a brief appearance.

Yellow wagtail in front of Marshland hide

In between visitors arriving I often have a walk outside the visitor centre and on one such visit I saw this young deer feeding next to the footpath.

It looks a bit thin.

At the end of the day Stu and I went down to Singleton hide to have a look at the waders present, but we were unable to add to our list. Stu went back to office and I visited each of the hides as I made my way back to Marshland.

I had only just sat down when I saw this sparrowhawk fly low over the mud and land on a pile of dead vegetation.

not a brilliant picture due to the light and the distance the bird was from the hide. I was keeping an eye on the bird when I noticed these fox cubs.

they had a play for a while before going back into the reedbed. I left then to lock up.

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