Thursday 12 September 2024

Pied flycatcher at Hartlepool Headland


Sunny but windy at Hartlepool Headland today. I arrived  about 1030 and joined other birders on a seawatch. Sandwich terns, gannets,  guillemots, eiders, arctic skuas but no shearwaters.

After a couple of hours I put my fold up chair back in the car and had a walk around the Headland.

Oystercatchers, ringed plover, turnstone, redshank, eider and cormorants on the rocks that were exposed as the tide went out.

I met another birder near Croft Gardens and he had seen a pied flycatcher. I waited a while and saw it fly into a nearby tree. Year tick 191.

The bird was flitting from branch to branch so I was lucky to get this photo.

I called in at Saltholme on my way home and went to the Phil Stead hide. The hide was full as people were watching the waders.

Black-tailed godwits were close to the hide and further away was a single bar-tailed godwit.

At least 2 greenshanks, several ruff, dunlin and ringed plovers. A pleasant way to spend an hour before going home.

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