Saturday 13 July 2024

Bank Island


A spot of birding this afternoon, despite the poor weather. This is the view from the Cheesecake hide at Bank Island. The recent rain is helping to keep the water reasonably high. However there were very few birds to be seen. One little egret, 2 adults and a juvenile mute swans, one coot and several mallards asleep.

The three ponds have also benefited from the recent rain. A single common tern attacked some carrion crows and then flew out of sight. 2 green sandpipers were flitting from one pond to another, and 2 little egrets kept chasing each other away.

"Big Bill" remained still for ages, I presumed that it was not hungry.

4 redshanks flew onto the pond in front of the hide.

the adult remained alert and soon flew off, the 3 young ones remained to feed.

A pleasant afternnon despite the weather.

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