Monday 20 May 2024

Staveley NR


Last minute change of plans and place, gave me some time to spend at Staveley. Luckily a car was leaving so I occupied their space. A dull cloudy day with a bit of a cool breeze.

The orchard is looking good with plenty of wild flowers in with the grass, but no sign of any butterflies.

A slow walk to the first hide was rewarded with views of a sedge singing away.

It flew from the reeds to a nearby bush.

Common terns were flying around in front of the second hide. One tern was nesting on one of the platforms along side the black headed gulls.

Two black headed gulls were having a tussle.

As I left the hide and walked along the path, this deer was watching me from the field.

I could hear a bittern booming as I approached the 3rd hide, but I did not go in as the person inside was smoking a cigarette!

I walked across the reserve to the other hide.

Plenty of flowers about and swifts were flying low as they hunted insects.

From the other hide I saw ringed plover, lapwing, oystercatcher, wigeon, gadwall, shoveler, canada and greylag geese. Common terns were busy fishing

One landed on a perch and started to call

Another tern arrived and they immediately turned their backs on each other.

 An osprey flying over caused a commotion.

A pleasant couple of hours and 46 birds on my list for the visit.

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