Saturday 11 May 2024

Holy Island

 Friday the 10th was our trip to Holy Island. We arrived at 9am, just after the causeway became safe to cross and left at 2pm just before the high tide closed the causeway.

We walked around the "nature trail".

From the first place we watched, we were able to see a male garganey. It spent most of its time asleep, but a visit later in the day was rewarded with views of it swimming in open water, A little further along we stopped to look over the harbour. As well as attracting a large crowd who kept asking "what are you looking at?"

When we told them, grey plover and bar-tailed godwit, they replied "what's that"

We had good views of skylarks and meadow pipits, but on the whole the number of birds we saw was disappointing.

We visited this hide, from where we saw a little grebe family, and swallows were obviously attempting to nest. 

On our way back to the village we saw a wheatear.

We stopped at Budle Bay where we added little egret, avocet and red breasted merganser to our list.

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