Thursday 16 May 2024

East Chevington

 On Sunday we drove the short distance to Druridge Bay Country Park. However is was so misty that we could not see across the lake so we decided to walk to East Chevington.

As we walked along we heard and then eventually saw, willow warbler, blackcap, chiffchaff and a reed warbler.

Reed buntings were very active

The reserve uses goats to help graze certain areas.

On our return to the country park, the weather had improved and the place was packed out with visitors. We met another birder who informed us about a spot near Newbiggin-by-the-Sea, so we drove there and parked near the church.

We walked along the coast path until we reached this point. The point the birder had mentioned was a long way away, so we decided to stay. It was a bit on the breezy side, however we had good views of sandwich terns flying past and saw arctic and common terns. Although the tide was coming in, it would be several hours before it would have pushed the birds much closer, so we decided to go back to the hotel. It was our last night so we all had to pack, ready to leave by 10 in the morning.

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