Wednesday 29 May 2024

Alkborough Flats


Although I see Alkborough Flats every time I visit Blacktoft Sands, today was my first visit since 2019.

This is the view from the first hide, just water. A single grey heron flew in

I walked towards the Trent Falls hide.

Lots of pools of water in the fields.

An information board about what might be seen in traditional grassland.

A sedge warbler was singing near the footpath.

A familiar sight at Blacktoft

The footpath leading to the hide is still under water.

Little egrets were busy fishing.

These information boards are near the hide.

The ship was making progress along the Humber.

A spoonbill was nearby

I walked back to the car park to get a drink and then walked to the tower hide.

Looking from the hide towards the Humber. A large expanse of reedbed, with a small area of water to the left of the hide, where a single mallard was feeding.

After getting back to the car, I had walked 5 miles and only managed to see 28 birds, including 2 lapwings, no sign of any other waders. Probably not likely to visit again in the near future.

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