Thursday 2 February 2023

31 Jan to Feb 2.


Tuesday afternoon I went to Staveley for my first visit of the year. A very windy day which probably accounted for the birds taking shelter. Lots of birds on the feeders, and it was like a fairground ride for them as the feeders swung to and fro in the wind.

other birds decided that the seed on the table was an easier bet.

A water rail was under the feeders, picking up bits of seed etc.

From the West hide I saw several male goldeneye, who were displaying in front of the females

Wednesday was my usual trip to take my granddaughter shopping and then some birding at the coast.

High tide and a strong wind. A few gulls about and cormorants sat on some rocks. Tick number 105 for the year was a brent goose, on the grass in the Country Park.

Filey Dams was my next stop. Again the birds were sheltering from the wind. One of the owl boxes was the site for a possible interesting encounter.

Did the squirrel know that the buzzard was there and vice versa.

Bempton Cliffs was my last stop. No birds at the feeding station but it was nice to see gannets flying about. Another reminder of Shetland, when Chris and I were on Unst, and would eat our breakfast watching gannets diving into the sea to catch their breakfast and then they were attacked by bonxies.

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