Monday 26 July 2021

Variety of wildlife at Blacktoft

I was glad that it was not as hot at Blacktoft yesterday as it was last weekend. There were lots of clouds, so we were lucky not to have rain and the clouds kept blocking the sun so  it kept the temperature down.
I was working with Andy and in between visitors arriving we were able to observe the wildlife in front of the visitor centre,
The insect "hotel" was popular with the bees

several butterflies were on the wing but not all of them settled long enough for me to get a photo

a family of weasels kept appearing on the path but they were too quick for me to get a photo.
Dragonflies and damselflies were also on the wing.

Marshland hide was the most popular as it gave visitors a chance to see a bearded tit family on the mud at the bottom of the reeds looking for insects. Water rails could be seen as they came out of the reed bed. The number of waders continues to increase, with a little stint appearing on Saturday. Lapwing numbers continue to increase and black tailed godwits are looking smart as they are still in summer plumage as they return from Iceland.
There were at least 6 green sandpipers present, but for some reason the lapwings would keep chasing them.

This snipe was in front of the hide

This little creature, a short tailed vole, had climbed up the vegetation behind one of the benches near the visitor centre and was eating the seeds. Andy and I had seen some movement and our first thought was that it was a bird, how wrong we were.

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