Thursday 22 July 2021

Birds and the bees

 I can cope with minus 20 degrees better than I can cope with 20+ degrees. I have not therefore been out and about much. Last weekend I helped at Blacktoft Sands, where all of the covid notices etc have been taken down. The change of seasons are reflected in the birds about.

Blackwits have just returned from Iceland. Spoonbills drop in for a feed on their journey from Fairburn to Alkboro.

the number of little egrets is increasing

4 green sandpipers were also present but the lapwings kept chasing them away. Lots of butterflies on the wing.

Tuesday I decided to go to Teesside. The weather was hot and I thought that I had timed my visit so that I was there before the school holidays, but I was wrong, there were families enjoying the weather everywhere I went. Better planning required!

Ward Jackson Park was busy but no sign of ring necked parakeets. Hartlepool Headland was my second stop. Here I came across a lot of male eiders.

Further round the headland the tide was in and there were very few birds on the exposed rocks. However the beach and paddling pool were full. I think that this car will take a bit of cleaning!

The lifeboat station was my next stop, where I watched the nesting kittiwakes.

the birds were making a lot of noise, but I was wondering how much was due to these two men.

lots of young kittiwakes

It was high tide at Newburn Bridge but the only birds on the beach were 3 feral pigeons!

The car park at the end of North Gare road was full, so no chance of any skylarks etc having a dust bath. 

My next stop was at Greatham Creek. The common terns had left the island and were flying around chasing a marsh harrier.

This was the view through the screen

lots of seals on the mud.

RSPB Saltholme was the next place I visited. It was fairly quiet birdwise so I went to Dormans Pool.

Lots of gulls and 4 grey herons were the only birds about so I set off for South Gare.

On previous days roseate terns had been seen and bottle nosed dolphins, but all I saw was a lot of camper vans. I sat for a while and watched boats going by. Sandwich terns were calling as they were fishing. Plenty of butterflies about.

I have been spending a lot of time in the garden these past months and currently do so when I can find  a shady spot.

The local house sparrows are raising their second brood, and are finding the local magpies a nuisance. 

This sparrow was trying to catch moths but did not have the skills of a flycatcher.

Dad was watching from the hedge where they spend a lot of time.

lots of bees in the garden as well.

The weather forecast is for cooler weather at the weekend, lets see if it brings in more birds on their journey south.

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