Thursday 4 February 2021

Railway Pond and another tick in lockdown.

 For my exercise today I decided to walk to the Railway Pond. It is a round walk of just over 1.6 miles.

Noticed this periwinkle in the garden on my way out.

On my way there I took a short detour through a few trees which are next to the railway line.

The reason that I went into the wood was to see if I could get a closer look at a redwing that had flown in. I had to be careful where I walked as there was a lot of water about and I had not put my wellingtons on. As I slowly walked along the path I noticed a bird fly onto a tree trunk. It was a treecreeper, Not a very good photo as my 600m lens is still at the repair shop.

This is the first time that I have seen one in this area, and it was also my first treecreeper of the year.

Lots of house sparrows in the area, I wonder if this is where the ones that appear in my garden, spend a lot of time. Blackbirds, robins, dunnocks, blue tits and wood pigeons were also in the area.

I then made my way through the tunnel under the railway. Not many trains today due to the lockdown.

As I walked down the path towards the pond, I could hear lots of bird song. Robins, goldfinches, dunnocks and wrens were busy singing, another sign that spring is coming soon.

The pump was on, putting oxygen into the pond. Male mallards were sleeping.

Further round the pond coots were standing near the edge of the water.

A pleasant walk, some sunshine would have helped. My bird list total was 17 for the hours walk.

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