Tuesday 27 August 2024

Seawatch Festival at Flamborough Head

 Gerald and I attended the Seawatch Festival at Flamborough Head, which was organised by the good folk of Flamborough Bird Observatory.

Members of the Observatory were on hand to tell us when birds flew past. The wind was not helpful, as it was from a south westerly direction which was blowing the birds away from the shore. However we were able to witness a lot of terns flying south as well as the occasional shearwater and skua. The session ended at 11am, but Gerald and I stayed in the hide until noon.

We then went to Thornwick Pools where we added snipe, dunlin, ringed plover, grey heron, coot and mallard to our day list.

South Landin was our next stop where we added sanderling to our list. Lots of dunlin, ringed plover and oystercatchers were bust feeding om the seaweed. The people on the beach kept disturbing the waders, which took to flight, and one group was attacked by a peregrine.

Gerald went home and I returned to the hide to join the 4 till 7pm seawatching session. The light was much better than this morning, as we were no longer looking towards the sun. Close views of arctic skua and manx shearwaters plus black-tailed godwits and little gulls, A caspian gull was on the rocks with all the seals. An excellent day and 2 more year ticks.

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