Tuesday 20 August 2024

North Cave Wetlands


My first visit since the new hide and viewing screen were open.

East hide was my first stop.

Lots of lapwings, mallards, a few gadwall and little grebes. From Turret hide I added green sandpiper, greenshank, lesser black backed gull and avocet. As I left the hide it started to rain, but the next hide was full, so I had to keep on walking. 

At the footpath end of carp lake I came across these two birds

They were quite happy sitting or feeding, and I saw them together again near the South hide.

The above photos show the view from the new hide. Plenty of birds and I added pochard and common sandpiper to my list.

a young tufted duck

This is the view from the new viewing screen

I added common gull to my list.

I have never seen as much vegetation on the island in front of Crossland hide. No new birds for my list.

South hide had a few duck and little grebes

31 birds on my day list.

On my way home I called in at North Duffield Carrs

As you walk along the path to the Geoff Smith hide, on your left you pass this new viewing screen,

Harvest time in the valley. No birds on the scrape and the reeds have nearly grown all the way across.

Bank Island was my last stop.

I had just arrived at the viewing platform when this kestrel sat on the wires.

I was hoping to see a few small birds, but I guess that the kestrel had made them seek cover.

A pleasant day, despite the rain showers.

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