Sunday 4 August 2024

"The Young Ones"


This was the view from Marshland hide at 0730 on Saturday morning. Not brilliant light and raining.

Lots of green sandpipers and snipe feeding around the edges of the lagoon along with a solitary avocet.

As the morning progressed and the visitors started to arrive, the weather improved.

Lots of insects about including this moth in reception

The trees around the car park area and near the reception hide were full of little birds.

Most of them young ones

In the ditch in front of reception were a moorhen family. The parents probably thinking that their young are safer in the ditch than on a lagoon

One of this years marsh harriers was sat on the top of a bush in front of 1st hide, waiting for dad to bring more food.

Lots of visitors came into reception to say goodbye and say what a wonderful day they had had on the reserve and that they will return.

When reception closed at 5pm I visited Reedling hide with Catherine. We spent the first few minutes counting snipe. I counted 17 along the edge, Catherine then counted 18 and after several attempts we agreed on 22 masters of disguise.

The warden team have been working hard trimming the vegetation around the lagoons and the snipe like the new terrain. A grey heron between reception and 1st hide was looking for food in the freshly cut grass.

The green sandpipers were visible from 5 hides, this one was in front of Townend.

This male pheasant was trying to sneak past the hide

The above picture shows some of the 20 plus little egrets on the reserve. Several of these were young birds, no plumes or yellow feet.

It was now 8pm and time to lock up, at the end of another very pleasant day at Blacktoft

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