Wednesday 20 October 2021

East Coast Birding.

 Family business at the coast so I used the opportunity to fit in some birding. The weather condition was not good, light drizzle to heavy rain. Bridlington was my first stop in the hope of adding sanderling to my year list. A lot of birds near the harbour wall, so I walked along and into the harbour. Plenty of gulls on the shoreline and redshanks in the harbour. I then met one of my nephews, who I had not seen for a few years. I was explaining to him why I was there and what I was looking for. I told him about the turnstones and as I scanned the ones on the beach I saw a single sanderling, job done. We then returned to our cars to get out of the rain.

Snow bunting was next on my list, as one had been seen at Bempton Cliffs, so I drove there in the hope of adding that to my year list.

It was still raining as I walked along the path towards the cliff top. A group of people were standing near a view point and as I joined them I could see what they were looking at, a snow bunting. The bird was not afraid of humans as it searched the area for food. Tick number 2.

I walked to the next viewpoint so as not to disturb the bird. A few herring gulls flying about and a pair of gannets were still sitting on a cliff ledge.

The snow bunting was still in the same area as I walked back to my car. Two members of staff were ensuring that visitors did not disturb it. Filey Dams and lunch was next.

It was good to be out of the rain and I was able to watch a great white egret whilst I ate my lunch. 

a single black tailed godwit was feeding in front of the first hide. Snipe were also near the hide until a magpie flew in for a wash.

a carrion crow sat and watched

a male teal was busily feeding

a male shoveler had a preen

about 100 pink footed geese flew over

a pleasant lunch hour.

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