Saturday 23 October 2021

Arctic warbler

 I decided to go to Hartlepool this morning to try and see an arctic warbler. It was 0930 when I arrived at the site. There were a few other birders there but no sign of the bird. It had been seen about 8am, so it was a case of wait. This I did and the bird started to show about 1230. It was very elusive and although some people managed to get a photo all I  got was leaves. However I did see the bird through my bins several times, what a smart bird it is.

The time was now 1330 and the question was where to go next. Nothing had been reported. I drove towards RSPB Saltholme, checking for bird reports on the way. Nothing new had been reported so I called in at the reserve. Phil Stead hide was my first stop, Teal, gadwall, little egret, redshank, shoveler and black tailed godwits.. The light was poor, which was a shame as some godwits came close to the hide.

I went into the reserve and walked to the wildlife watchpoint. Moorhen, grey heron and two gadwall were the only birds there. Mute swan and coot were present at the next hide. As I walked to the last hide I could hear and see lots of barnacle geese flying. From the hide I could see barnacle and canada geese.

some of the barnacles came into land. Lots of golden plovers about.

lapwings, avocets, teal, shovelers, curlews and greylag were also there.

On the way back to the car park I passed this kestrel,

a pleasant day with tick number 180 for the year.

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