Thursday 21 October 2021

Brambling and black throated diver

 A nice afternoon so I decided to go to Hartlepool and add to my year list. It was nice to see Gary and Wendy Flakes in the gardens near the Borough Hall. They had seen an arctic warbler and brambling. I just managed to see a brambling. There were other birders hoping to see the warbler and I walked around the area in the hope of seeing it. I walked down to the harbour to see if there was anything of note on the water. This male eider was looking very smart.

 One chap I spoke to had visited all of the likely areas looking for birds and had found nothing, so I decided to move on. Jacksons Landing where I joined Gary and Wendy again as they were looking at a black throated diver. The bird was not very close and the bright sunshine on the water made viewing difficult. Other people were trying to take photos of the bird, which would frequently dive and appear some distance away.

Newburn Bridge was my next stop

The birds were close to the path as it was high tide.

North Gare road was my last stop before home. No sign of short eared owls but a few wigeon grazing 

a pleasant afternoon and 2 more birds for my year list, taking the total to 179.

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