Wednesday 6 October 2021

A bit of east coast birding

 The plan was to do some birding before I collected my grand daughter from uni in Scarborough and take her grocery shopping. The weather forecast was for rain at first, so I planned to arrive at Bridlington about 9am. I was hoping to see lots of waders on the beach and add sanderling to my year list. However it was still raining and there were no waders on the beach.  Filey Country Park was my next stop, but the weather here was terrible, I could hardly stand so thought that to walk along the top was not wise. Filey Dams was stop number 3, but there was a work party there, so very few birds.

Scarborough was my next stop.

I parked and walked down the path to the shore. It was low tide so not many birds very close to the path. I saw a group of gulls and I looked through my binoculars I could see that they were black headed. However a little further away common gulls, med gulls and sandwich terns were with other black headed gulls.

I walked across the beach and to the harbour. On my last visit there were lots of turnstones about but tody just three on the mud in the harbour.

a great black backed gull was also standing on the mud
 a shag was drying its wings
not as many guillemots and razorbills as on my last visit.

I returned to my car and took my grand daughter shopping. Dropped her off at her halls of residence and returned to Filey Dams. The weather was much better.

2 snipe were sitting in some vegetation

3 magpies were perched in a tree

a pheasant was on a fence

a carrion crow was having a drink

this is the first shelduck I have seen for a few weeks.

this magpie had found something to eat.
A pleasant end to the day.

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