Monday 14 February 2022

Valentines Day at Blacktoft Sands

 A wet day so time for hide hopping at Blacktoft. 

Lots of birds sheltering near the reeds or in the shelter of the islands as the rain was blown across the lagoon by the wind. 26 shelducks busily feeding on Marshland lagoon. Lots of lapwings on Ousefleet along with a few shoveler, teal and a single redshank.

Pochardd were asleep on Xerox lagoon while a little grebe swam across calling all the time.

First lagoon was home to 3 coots who spent some time squabbling. A buzzard sat in one of the buzzards , getting soaked while it looked for a meal. A marsh harrier dive bombed it as it flew past which caused the buzzard to fly off. 

Townend lagoon had a few snipe sheltering on one of the islands while a pair of goldeneye were diving for food at the far end of the lagoon. Singleton had a pair of tufted ducks and nothing else.

The rain stopped as I reached my car and it looked as if the weather would improve for the evening.

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