Wednesday, 17 November 2021

Sunny afternoon at Fairburn Ings

 Decided to stay local today and thought that it would be a good chance to go to Fairburn and take some pictures of the birds at the feeding stations.

Not too many cars in the car park, which is always a good sign. Disappointed to see that the feeding station is still closed off. A few birders were standing to the left of the visitor centre and looking up into the trees. Not a word was said and they soon moved on, so I don't know what if anything they were looking at/for. I decided to stand under the shelter and wait and see which birds came to the feeder.

The feeder is now on the ground  so the birds have to come into the open, which may account for the small number of birds present. A nuthatch quickly flew in picked up some food and flew out, so I waited. A few minutes later it did return, but was sat on a branch of a tree. I manged to get a reasonable picture, so I moved on to let if feed in peace.

 I walked on to the next screen and feeding station and was happy to see that there was no one there. When I sat down I could see why. There are piles of earth in front of the sand martin nest bank, so some restoration work must be under way. The bird feeders were empty, disappointing for me and Mr, Chaffinch.

I walked on to the net feeding station where thas was food in the feeders. But no birds. The feeders are hanging from ropes and are out in the open and close to the seats and a path so I think that there is possibly too much disturbance. However it seemed to suit the squirrel.

A pair of mallards were underneath one of the food holders picking up scraps that the squirrel dropped.

No sign of a kingfisher at the screen so I walked on along the path and stopped to look over "The Big Hole"

a few gulls and a grey heron

I contiued along the river walk. Nice display of autumn colours

A jay was on the ground either hiding or searching for food. I had just got a clear view when a cyclist rode by and disturbed it!

I walked on until I came to the first hide. Frome here I could see cormorants, shelducks, shovelers, great crested grebe, great black backed gulls, common and black headed gulls. A mute swan was feeding closer to the hide as was this female goldeneye.

The part of the lake that she was in was in the shade, a male goldeneye was a bit further out and looked splendid in the sunshine, but he was too far away for a photo.

From the next hide I could see more shovelers and pochards.

I walked back along the path to the centre. At once point I saw a family of long tailed tits and then a flock of linnets flying about, but no sign of a kingfisher and no birds at the feeding stations.

I went the "scenic" route to Fairburn and was lucky enough to see a kestrel, a buzzard and a total of 17 red kites. However I was unable to stop and take any picture so I decided to return home by the same route, but did not see any raptors!

A pleasant time in the sunshine, just a bit disappointing that the reserve has so many areas that you can now not enjoy. 

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