Monday, 10 February 2025

North Cave Wetlands

 20 of us assembled in the shelter near the "Butty Bus". Barbara, who was leading the walk welcomed everyone and then explained the route we would follow. It was a cool and cloudy day  and the forecast was for rain showers.

From the shelter we could see, great crested grebe, mallard, teal, shelduck and gadwall. In front of the east hide were Tufted duck, gadwall, shoveler and wigeon. Finches were twittering away in the tops of the trees as we approached the Maize Field feeders.

On the feeders we saw greenfinch, tree sparrow, goldfinch, chaffinch, robin, long-tailed great and blue tits, blackbirds and a female brambling. I walked away and some saw a redpoll.

The turret hide only had pochard to offer.

The trust is making improvements to the path along the northern edge of the reserve. It is usually wet and muddy, so they are  improving the draining and laying a stone path.A pair of stonechats were exploring the newly disturbed area for food.

Siskins were on the feeders along the western footpath and at the Carp Lake end, a redwing was sat in the hedge having a preen.

 After lunch we explored the part of the reserve near the new hide. A pair of goldeneye were on the lagoon and a pair of red kite were circling, possibly attracted by the dead swans.

As we returned to our cars it started to rain!

49 birds on our day list.


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