Thursday, 27 February 2025

Museum Gardens, York.


On Wednesday the 26th we held our first walk in the Museum Gardens, York.

RSPB Membership team were also present.

The weather was dull to start with, which made bird identification a bit difficult as we could not see any colours. Blue and great tits were visiting the feeders in the bird feeding station, while dunnocks were chasing each other about. Herring gulls were flying over the grassed areas, presumably looking for food scraps.

Several robins were singing and one pair were chasing each other about in the flower beds.Magpies were flying from tree to tree, chattering as they went.

The cloud gave way to sunshine and a pair of sparrowhawks were circling over the gardens, displaying to each other. 8 goldfinches were in the top of a silver birch tree, and a single goldcrest flitted about looking for food. Greenfinches were "wheezing" away in trees in the churchyard next door.

A pleasant 90 minutes with a bird list of 16.
A walk for people new to birdwatching in a months time.

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